Archives de catégorie : Appels à contributions

Moussons : Prolongation de l’appel à contribution / extended call for papers

Chères et chers collègues,

La revue Moussons. Recherche en sciences humaines sur l’Asie du Sud-Est prolonge son appel à contribution pour un varia pour l’année 2024.

Moussons porte son regard sur le Sud-Est asiatique (insulaire et continental) et ses marges indiennes et chinoises. Revue comparative et interdisciplinaire, elle accueille l’ensemble des sciences humaines et sociales, plus particulièrement l’anthropologie, la sociologie et l’histoire contemporaine. 

Semestrielle, elle publie, en français et en anglais, des articles, des notes de recherche et des comptes rendus d’ouvrages.

Dotée d’un comité éditorial et d’un comité de lecture international, Moussons est indexée par ERIH + (European Reference Index for the Humanities), le DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

Date limite de soumission
Vous pouvez soumettre votre article avant le 02/04/2024 à l’adresse

Politique éditoriale
La revue est publiée simultanément sous deux formes :

  •  une version papier imprimée et diffusée par les Presses universitaires de Provence (PUP) 
  • une version en ligne sur OpenEdition Journals (, en libre accès immédiat, intégrée aux bouquets de revues du programme Freemium d’OpenEdition. 

Elle répond ainsi aux exigences de la science ouverte à travers son modèle diamant.

Les conseils aux auteurs sont disponibles à cette adresse :, merci de bien vouloir les appliquer en cas de soumission d’article.
Vous pouvez également consulter la politique éditoriale de la revue et ses critères d’évaluation des articles en suivant ce lien :

Le comité éditorial de Moussons vous remercie par avance de votre contribution à la recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est.

Dear Colleagues,

The academic journal Moussons. Social Science Research on Southeast Asia is extending its call for papers for the year 2024.

Moussons focuses on Southeast Asia (island and mainland) and its Indian and Chinese margins. As comparative and interdisciplinary journal, it covers all the human and social sciences, with a particular focus on anthropology, sociology and contemporary history. 

Moussons is published twice yearly, in French and English, and includes articles, research notes and book reviews. 

The journal has an international editorial board and is indexed by the European Reference Index for Humanities (ERIH) and the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

Deadline for submission
You can send your paper before April 2, 2024 to the address

Editorial policy
 The journal is published simultaneously in two versions: 

It thus meets the requirements of open science through Diamond Open Access.

The instructions to the authors are available at: Please apply them when submitting an article.

Moussons’s editorial board thanks you in advance for your contribution to research on Southeast Asia.

Bien cordialement, best wishes,

Mathilde Lefebvre

Moussons : appel à contribution / call for papers

Chères et chers collègues

Le prochain numéro généraliste de la revue Moussons. Recherche en sciences humaines sur l’Asie du Sud-Est paraîtra en juin 2024.

Il est encore temps d’y participer en envoyant votre contribution avant le 15/11/2023 à l’adresse

Pour rappel, Moussons est une revue éditée par l’IrAsia (CNRS/Aix-Marseille Université) dédiée aux sciences humaines en Asie du Sud-Est.

A vocation bilingue, la revue publie des articles en français et en anglais.

Dotée d’un comité éditorial et d’un comité de lecture international, Moussons est inscrite sur la liste de l’HCERES et est indexée par ERIH + (European Reference Index for the Humanities).

La revue est publiée simultanément sous deux formes : une version papier imprimée et diffusée par les Presses universitaires de Provence (PUP) ainsi qu’une version en ligne sur OpenEdition Journals (, en libre accès immédiat, intégrée aux bouquets de revues du programme Freemium d’OpenEdition. Elle répond ainsi aux exigences de la science ouverte.

Les conseils aux auteurs sont disponibles à cette adresse :, merci de bien vouloir les appliquer en cas de soumission d’article.

Le comité éditorial de Moussons vous remercie par avance de votre contribution à la recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est.

Dear Colleagues

The next varia issue of the academic journal Moussons. Social Science Research on Southeast Asia will be published in June 2024.

There is still time to participate by sending your contribution before 15/11/2023 to the address

As a reminder, Moussons is a journal published by IrAsia (CNRS/Aix-Marseille University) dedicated to Southeast Asia in human and social sciences.

With a bilingual vocation, the journal publishes articles in French and in English.

With an editorial board and an international reading committee, Moussons is registred on the HCERES list and indexed by the European Reference Index for Humanities (ERIH) and the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

The journal is published simultaneously in two versions: a paper version printed and distributed by the Presses universitaires de Provence (PUP) as well as an online version on OpenEdition Journals (, with immediate open access .

The instructions to the authors are available at:, please apply them when submitting article.

Moussons’ s editorial board thanks you in advance for your contribution to research on South East Asia.

CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS/ SEMINARS – SSSH 2023 Fall-Winter Calendar (September-December)

Dear SSSH members and friends,
After a very successful and fascinating Spring 2023 Session, we are excited to share with you the CALL for the next round of presentations/seminars for the SSSH’s 2023 Fall-Winter Calendar! Our time slots are flexible but, tentatively, we would inaugurate our Fall-Winter session on September 15, and end it on December 15.

PLEASE use the link bellow to book your slot and tell us a little bit about you and your proposal:

Reminder: the Hub meets on Fridays at 5:30 pm (Vietnam time)Deadline to sign in for presentations: September 10, 2023
Mode: via Zoom, and at the EFEO in Saigon for those who will be on site.Tip: given the wide success of our methodology sessions, we would like to remind you that group presentations on research methods are more than welcome (e.g. conducting fieldwork, virtual interviews, etc.). We would also like to propose you participating in two potential roundtables-seminars entitled “Missing and Unexpected Archives” and “Data Analysis and Cartography” (please kindly refer to our Google Form).
–> We take this occasion to remind future presenters of SSSH guidelines and formats for presentations and seminars. The guidelines are displayed at the end of this email and can also be consulted on our Facebook group following the link:
Please do not hesitate to email us or contact us through our Facebook private group for any concerns or further information about presentations and meetings.

We are really looking forward to receving and reading your proposals soon, so we can work together on the next calendar.

All the best to everyone!

SSSH admins

Pop Myanmar: Call For Abstracts and Expressions of Interest

Pop Myanmar: A Special Issue of the Journal of Burma Studies: Call for Abstracts or Expressions of Interest

Despite the historic energy, vibrance and centrality of popular entertainment in Myanmar, these forms have not received the scholarly or media attention that they deserve. For this upcoming Special Issue of the Journal of Burma Studies, we aim to focus on popular culture, from its producers, means of transmission, to its elements of resistance, fandom, or even culture cringe. 

Examples of popular culture can include the performative, such as yokthe puppet theatre, live performances including comedy, street theatre and music, or than chat protests rhymes. Explorations of ethnic nationality cultural forms, or Burmese engagements with international texts and styles, whether in songs, websites or apps, short videos, or movies, from country to kPop to copy thachin are welcome as well. Other media or research pieces we encourage deal with textual or material culture, such as poetry, popular novels, advertising, fashion, or even everyday items such as snacks, condensed milk tins, Jawa motorcycles, cheroot smoking or KFC. 

Bearing in mind that the popular can be anything from sexy to saccharine, conservative to revolutionary, we encourage alternative formats. In addition to research articles, which will go through academic peer review and have a standard length of 7000 to 9000 words, like a record album, this special issue plans to incorporate some unique sections including short essays or reflections about popular culture, 1000 words or less “Liner Notes” and finally notes about an individual work or debate, which I am tentatively calling “Riffs”. 

Ideas or abstracts (250 words or fewer) can be sent to the JBS editor, Jane Ferguson at by 15 August 2023.

Call for submission: The Pattana Kitiarsa Prize for Best Graduate Student Paper

The Pattana Kitiarsa Prize for Best Graduate Student Paper—Southeast Asia Council

The AAS Southeast Asia Council’s annual prize recognizes emerging scholarship in the field of Southeast Asian studies, from any disciplinary perspective. Graduate students at any stage, enrolled at the time of submission, are eligible and welcome to apply. The committee invites papers that fit the definition of “conference papers,” i.e. of a length and scope that can be presented on an AAS panel, and that make an intellectual and/or methodological contribution to the study of Southeast Asia.

The prize honors the memory of Pattana Kitiarsa, who was Associate Professor in the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, National University of Singapore. He was born in the northeastern Thai province of Nong Khai and maintained his roots in this Lao-speaking region. As a scholar, teacher, and friend he touched many people’s lives. Sadly, Pattana passed away from cancer at the age of 46. With his passing the field lost one of its leading scholars of Southeast Asian labor, religion, class, and media.

Please submit your 2023 AAS Annual Conference paper, proof of current doctoral program registration, and accepted AAS panel abstract in PDF format up until March 19, 2023 to Submissions should be up to 10,000 words maximumPapers received after March 19, 2023 will not be considered. Any questions regarding the prize can be sent to the same email address.

The award of $500 and a certificate will be presented at the 2024 AAS Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington. The Southeast Asia Asia Council of the AAS will also provide a sum of up to $400 to the winner of the prize to partially cover the cost of his or her travel to the 2024 Seattle Conference, where the winner will be recognized at the AAS Awards Ceremony.

Call for communication/ New Labour Regimes in Contemporary Southeast Asia/ Penang Conference 14-15 Dec. 2023 (deadline submission 12 May 2023)

New Labour Regimes in Contemporary Southeast Asia

Penang (Malaysia) 14 & 15 December 2023

As social, ethnic or religious, identity or position in the political hierarchy is more often pronounced in Southeast Asian societies, labour is rarely at the centre. In particular, labour does not often appear to be at the root of the formation of inequalities. In reality, the labour factor – including migrant labour – clearly fuels the regional dynamics of growth, and enables trade specialisation just as its mobilisation has, in the colonial past, enabled insertion into the international division of labour. Strangely, the concept of labour has too often remained on the margins of analysis of social changes in Southeast Asia.

This conference seeks to bring labour back in at the centre of the analysis. Offering a rare opportunity to pay tribute to the main oeuvres and pioneering authors in the field in Southeast Asia, it will open space to recent ongoing research on social changes with respect to  labour relations, working conditions, labour norms, and wages. While also providing a forum for discussion and debate, together with scholars, researchers, public intellectuals, diplomats and practitioners in the region during two days of scientific exchanges according to the following themes. The conference is organised in 4 parts, consisting respectively of an introductory keynote, a thematic session – parallel panels – and a round table of experts.


Global Value Chains and the Transformations of Labour in the region 

Labour Law, Labour Unions, Industrial Relations, Wage Negotiations

Labour Income and Wages Distribution

Transnational Migrant Labour and Labour Norms

Submission deadline: 12 May 2023

Call for applications | Summer Research and Mentoring Fellowship | Myanmar’s Borderlands: Past, Present, and Future | June 21-July 28, 2023

Summer Research and Mentoring Fellowship  |  Myanmars Borderlands: Past, Present, and Future  |  June 21-July 28, 2023

The Inya Institute is now accepting applications for a Fellow to lead the Summer 2023 Research and Mentoring program devoted to supporting the study of Myanmar’s borderlands.

The Fellow may be based in Thailand, India, or Bangladesh and will lead a series of online workshops sponsored by the institute with a group of 6-8 Myanmar researchers. During the online workshop sessions, the Fellow will mentor the group of Myanmar researchers on the development of their research papers. The first batch of online sessions will focus on research design, guidance on research methods and field research with all participating Myanmar researchers. The remaining weeks will involve one-on-one online mentoring sessions with each of the 6-8 Myanmar researchers. 

The Fellow will be expected to mentor researchers whose work may address any of the following themes related to Myanmar’s borderlands:

  • legacy of colonial knowledge on borderlands and their communities;
  • ethno-history of borderlands;
  • natural resources and challenges to environmental protection in borderlands;
  • communities, networks, and trade across borders; 
  • legal and illegal border migration;
  • humanitarian relief to refugees and public health in borderlands; 
  • borders at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic; 
  • formal and informal governance of borderlands;
  • externalized economic development of borderlands;
  • formal and non-formal education in borderlands;
  • other themes related to borderlands.

The Inya Institute will cover international airfare (to Thailand, India, or Bangladesh, as per the Fellow’s proposed choice) and additional costs (including domestic travel, local accommodation, meals, internet costs). Within the limits of the time available outside of the Fellow’s mentoring duties, the Fellow may also engage in their own personal research work .

Following the Summer 2023 research and mentoring program, the Inya Institute will organize a conference in 2024 in Thailand on ‘Myanmar’s borderlands: past, present, and future’ in which both the Fellow and the Myanmar researchers will participate and present their papers. 


  1. The fellowship is open to post-doctoral scholars whose past or current research interests and work align with the study of Myanmar’s borderlands (see list above);
  2. The fellowship is open to: (1) U.S. citizens who obtained their PhD degree in the last 10 years in a U.S. university or a university overseas: (2) foreign nationals who obtained their PhD degree in the last 10 years in a U.S. university.

Application requirement

  1. Completed application form including information about the selected country, location for running the online mentoring sessions, and statement detailing past or current research on Myanmar’s borderlands, and its relevance to one or more of the topics listed above (max. 1,200 words);
  2. Proposed Work Schedule showing how the online mentoring sessions will be conducted throughout the fellowship period;
  3. Proposed Itemized Budget with Budget Narrative; Allowable costs include airfare, ground transportation (in the U.S. and selected country), lodging, meals and incidental expenses, and internet costs;
  4. Curriculum Vitae;
  5. One Academic Reference Letter; The applicant is responsible for notifying the referee of their request for letter and for ensuring the letter is submitted to the Inya Institute by the deadline.

All documents must be sent by email to the following email address:

Fellowship Benefits

In addition to a stipend covering international travel, ground transportation, lodging, local subsistence, and internet stipend, the Fellow will receive US $4,800 as teaching and mentorship fees.

Terms and conditions

  1. The Fellow must submit a five-page Final Report to the Inya Institute within a month of completing the fellowship as well as an account of the program experience and outcomes (no longer than 2,000 words) to be published in the institute’s quarterly newsletter.
  2. The Fellow is responsible for obtaining the appropriate visa (if needed).
  3. Air Travel from the U.S. must meet the conditions of the Fly America Act.

Deadline, Selection, and Notification

Applications must be sent by March 17, 2023 (11:59 PM EST).

The fellowship will be awarded by a Selection Committee composed of academics with long-standing experience and recognized expertise on Myanmar. Applicants will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Merits of the statement, its significance, and relevance;
  • Merits of the proposed work schedule and its potential for meeting the research needs of the Myanmar participants;
  • Applicant’s qualifications and prior experience.

Awards will be announced by April 21, 2023.


For any inquiry, please contact us at:

We will also host virtual Q&A Sessions on the following days and time.

February 23, 2023, 09:00-10:00am EST

February 27, 2023, 08:30-09:30pm EST

March 2, 2023, 08:30-09:30am EST

Registration required at the following link:

The Summer 2023 Research and Mentoring Fellowship is funded by the U.S. Department of Education under Title VI of the Higher Education Act.

Appel à communications : JE Marges et marginalités littéraires d’Asie d’hier et d’aujourd’hui

Appel à communications pour les journées d’études organisées par l’axe de recherches « Littératures d’Asie et traduction » de l’IrAsia (UMR 7306), les 17-18 novembre 2023 – Aix-Marseille Université, centre des lettres, Aix-en-Provence

Argumentaire :

Nous attendons des propositions pour des communications d’une vingtaine de minutes sous forme de bref résumé accompagné de mots-clefs et d’un bref CV. Ces propositions doivent nous parvenir avant le 30 mars 2023. Les textes des communications pourront faire l’objet d’une publication dans la revue en ligne de l’axe d’Impressions d’Extrême-Orient []

Lieu de déroulement des journées : Aix-Marseille université, centre des lettres
Langue : français
Les propositions sont à envoyer à Pierre Kaser :

  • Comité d’organisation :
    He Wen (Docteure, IrAsia)
    Fanny Caron (Docteure, IrAsia)
    Julie Kim de Crescenzo (MCF, AMU-IrAsia)
    Axelle Mariavale (Doctorante, AMU-IrAsia)
    Laurie Galli (Doctorante, AMU-IrAsia)
    Pierre Kaser (PU, AMU-IrAsia)
  • Comité scientifique (en construction) :
    Pierre Kaser (PU, AMU-IrAsia)
    Julie Kim de Crescenzo (MCF, AMU-IrAsia)
    Loïc Aloisio (MCF, Univ. de Mons, Belgique, IrAsia)
    He Wen (Docteure, IrAsia)

Appel à communications : Journée d’étude Masculinités en Asie

Appel à communication : Journée d’étude “Comme un homme ? Penser et (dé)construire les masculinités en Asie”

La journée d’étude “Comme un homme ? Penser et (dé)construire les masculinités en Asie” aura lieu les 29 & 30 juin 2023, sur le campus Schuman d’Aix-Marseille Université (Aix-en-Provence). Elle est organisée par quatre membres du bureau des jeunes chercheur⋅e⋅s, Cao Vy (IrAsia), Johan Krieg (LESC, IrAsia), Amandine Péronnet (IFRAE, IrAsia), Bérénice M. Reynaud (IETT, IrAsia). Les conditions de soumission se trouvent à la fin de cet appel. Pour tout renseignement, n’hésitez pas à envoyer un mail à l’adresse suivante :

Toutes les informations ici :

Invitation to the conference “REGIONAL ORDER IN (POST)-PANDEMIC ASIA”

on behalf of the Department of Asian Studies and the Centre for Asian Affairs of the University of Lodz (Poland), we are pleased to invite you to the 17th Lodz East Asia Meeting “REGIONAL ORDER IN (POST)-PANDEMIC ASIA”.
Last year we organized our symposium online, but we hope to meet you in a hybrid formula this year. We cordially invite all of you to Lodz, yet we also provide the opportunity to participate in the conference online, allowing participants to join the meeting despite pandemic restrictions.
Regardless of the form of participation you choose, we guarantee a friendly scientific atmosphere and a lot of topics for conversation – from keynote speaker’s speech through special panels to plenary sessions.
It will be a great pleasure for us to meet and talk about the opportunities and challenges related to the Asian region.
Please read the Call for Papers, register and submit your abstracts:
The deadline for abstract submission is March 30, 2022.
The event will take place at the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the University of Lodz on June 27-28, 2022 (Monday-Tuesday) and online.
Feel free to disseminate this call within your faculties and among your partners to interested researchers. If you have any questions, please write:
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Prof. Tomasz Kamiński
Department of Asian Studies
Faculty of International and Political Studies
University of Lodz, Poland