Séminaire (25/05) – “New Research on Old Javanese Texts and Manuscript Culture”

Seminar “New Research on Old Javanese Texts 

and Manuscript Culture”

May 25th 2023, from 9:30–17:00 CET at the Grand Salon de la Maison de l’Asie

Introduction: 09:30–09:45 CET

Session 1: 09:45–11:15 CET

Arlo Griffiths (EFEO, Jakarta) — “Airlaṅga’s Names in Inscriptions and Manuscripts”

Timothy Lubin (Washington and Lee University) — “Immunities and Privileges of Religious Professions in Java and Bali”

Nurmalia Habibah (UGM, Yogyakarta) — “Introducing the Two Old Javanese Dharmaśāstra Works entitled Sārasamuccaya”

Break: 11:15–11:30 CET

Session 2: 11.30–12:30 CET

Oman Fathurahman (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta) — “DREAMSEA and Research on Southeast Asian Manuscripts: Opportunity and Challenge”

Andrea Acri (EPHE and EFEO, Paris) — “The Bhuvanakośa as a product of a Majapahit-period Javanese-Balinese milieu”

Lunch: 12:30–14:00 CET

Session 3: 14:00–15:30 CET

Zakariya Pamuji Aminullah (Hamburg University, Hamburg) — “Using Candrakiraṇa to Edit Old-Javanese Poetry: A Caution about Imperfections”

Toru Aoyama (TUFS, Tokyo) — “Writing as a technology: Some remarks on the impacts of Indic script in Southeast Asia”

Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan (EFEO, Paris) — “Corruption, Creation, and Variation in Indonesian Philology”

Break: 15:30–15:45 CET

Session 4: 15:45–17.00 CET

Aditia Gunawan (Perpusnas, Jakarta and EFEO, Paris) — “Interregional Intertextuality: Contributions of Old Sundanese Study to Indonesian Philology”

Alex West (Independent researcher, Lisbon) — “Javanese Cubebs in Pre-16th-Century Texts”

To join the seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89218182639?pwd=SWlKaVF1M1FKb1ZhSTB3d1QyMlNNZz09

Meeting ID: 892 1818 2639

Passcode: 415464

Contact: aditia.gunawan@efeo.net / andrea.acri@ephe.psl.eu


Andrea Acri & Aditia Gunawan

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Christophe Caudron (12 mai 2023). Séminaire (25/05) – “New Research on Old Javanese Texts and Manuscript Culture”. L'AFRASE. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/aryp